Reduce code repetition in express API route Reduce code repetition in express API route mongoose mongoose

Reduce code repetition in express API route

There are a few ways you can approach it. There is the app.all() method:

app.all("/api/*", function(req, res, next) {    if (req.params._id) {        if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(req.params._id)) {            return next();        }        else {            // error handle        }    }    next();});

Personally, I don't like catch-alls. I'd rather be more explicit:

function validateMongooseId (req, res, next) {    if ( mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(req.params._id) ) {        return next();    }    else {        // error handle    }}function handleGet(req, res, next) {}function handlePost(req, res, next) {}function handlePut(req, res, next) {}"/api/brief", handlePost);app.get("/api/brief/:_id", validateMongooseId, handleGet);app.put("/api/brief/:_id", validateMongooseId, handlePut);

I put the .post() in there to demonstrate why I don't like the catch-all. It clearly doesn't apply to that endpoint. You may have other middleware functions that apply to it, so I'd rather explicitly have them on the endpoints that use them.