req.isAuthenticated() is always false req.isAuthenticated() is always false mongoose mongoose

req.isAuthenticated() is always false

Try changing the order of

app.use(passport.initialize());app.use(passport.session());app.use(require("express-session")({    secret: "Rusty is the worst and ugliest dog in the wolrd",    resave: true,    saveUninitialized: true}));


app.use(require("express-session")({    secret: "Rusty is the worst and ugliest dog in the wolrd",    resave: true,    saveUninitialized: true}));app.use(passport.initialize());app.use(passport.session());

If you are using cookies make sure you add cookie-parser middleware

var express = require('express')var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')var app = express()app.use(cookieParser())

If this is not the case check you calling end, if you are using axios include withCredentials

axios.get('some api url', {withCredentials: true});

if you are uisg fetch make sure to add credentials: 'include'

fetch('/...', {  method: ..,  headers: ...,  credentials: 'include',  body: ...  ...})

Starting with version 0.2.1 passport-local-mongoose adds a helper method createStrategy as static method to your schema. The createStrategy is responsible to setup passport-local LocalStrategy with the correct options.

const User = require('./models/user');// CHANGE: USE "createStrategy" INSTEAD OF "authenticate"passport.use(User.createStrategy());passport.serializeUser(User.serializeUser());passport.deserializeUser(User.deserializeUser());