SOLVED: Use Schema inside another Schema not working. Error: CastError: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value SOLVED: Use Schema inside another Schema not working. Error: CastError: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value mongoose mongoose

SOLVED: Use Schema inside another Schema not working. Error: CastError: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value

In case anyone is looking for an answer, this is what I've done. I created a new seeds folder with 2 files index.js seeds.js.

In my seeds.js I added my data recipes objects and exported it so I can use it somewhere else.

module.exports = [    {        title: "Mushroom and courgette fritter burgers",        imageUrl: "",        calories: 250,        duration: 30,        ingredients: [            {                ingName: "mushrooms",                ingQty: 200,                ingQtyUnit: "grams",                ingImageUrl:""             },            {                ingName: "zucchini",                ingQty: 2,                ingQtyUnit: "piece",                ingImageUrl:""             }        ]    },    ]

Then, in my index.js from seeds folder

const mongoose = require('mongoose');const Recipe = require('../models/recipe');const Ingredient = require ('../models/ingredient')const recipes = require('../seeds/seeds')mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/foodApp', {useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true})    .then(() => {        console.log("Mongo Connection open from seeds")    })    .catch((error) => {        console.log("No, Mongo -> Connection Error " + error)    })const seedDB = async () => {    await Recipe.deleteMany({});    let title;    let imageUrl;    let calories;    let duration;    let ingredients;    for (let i = 0; i < recipes.length; i++) {        title = recipes[i].title;        imageUrl = recipes[i].imageUrl;        calories = recipes[i].calories;        duration = recipes[i].duration;        ingredients = recipes[i].ingredients;        for (let ing of ingredients) {            ingredients = ing;        }    const newRecipe = new Recipe ({        title: title,        imageUrl: imageUrl,        calories: calories,        duration: duration,        ingredients: new Ingredient({            ingName: ingredients.ingName,            ingQty: ingredients.ingQty,            ingQtyUnit: ingredients.ingQtyUnit,            ingImageUrl:ingredients.ingImageUrl,        })    })        await;    }}seedDB();

Recipe Schema:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const recipeSchema = new Schema({    title: {        type: String,        required: true,    },    imageUrl: {        type: String,        required: true    },    calories: {        type: Number,         required: false,    },     duration: {        type: Number,        required: true,        min: 0,    },    ingredients: {        _id: {          type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,          ref:"Ingredient"        },         ingName: String,        ingQty: Number,         ingQtyUnit: String,        ingImageUrl: String,    },})const Recipe = mongoose.model('Recipe', recipeSchema);module.exports = Recipe;

Ingredient Schema:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");const ingredientSchema = mongoose.Schema({    ingName: {        type: String,        required: true,    },    ingQty: {        type: Number,        required: true,    },    ingQtyUnit: {        type: String,        required: true,    },    ingImageUrl: {        type: String,        required: true,    },})const Ingredient = mongoose.model('Ingredient', ingredientSchema);module.exports = Ingredient;