storing files in mongodb using gridfs and mongoose storing files in mongodb using gridfs and mongoose mongoose mongoose

storing files in mongodb using gridfs and mongoose

Not sure whether this helps or not, but it has helped me in the past.

Not surprisingly, different browsers have different call stack sizes. Also not surprisingly, the method that they use to determine the call stack varies as well. The various call stack sizes I could measure are (give or take, might be off by 1 or 2):

We ran some tests ourselves in order to get the call stack sizes on other browsers/hosts/OSs using this simple code:

var i = 0;function recurse () {    i++;    recurse();}try {    recurse();} catch (ex) {    alert('i = ' + i + '\nerror: ' + ex);}

In saying that an option could be passing --max-stack-size to node.

Set max v8 stack size (bytes)

node --max-stack-size 32000 app.js

NOTE: Help prints it as --max-stack-size, in node -v v0.10.x+ you need to use --stack-size instead.