Stubbing a Mongoose model using Sinon Stubbing a Mongoose model using Sinon mongoose mongoose

Stubbing a Mongoose model using Sinon

I've analysed mongoose source and don't think this is possible. Save function is not defined on model, but dynamically generated by hooks npm which enables pre/post middleware functionality.

However, you can stub save on instance like this:

page = new Page();sinon.stub(page, 'save', function(cb){ cb(null) })

UPDATE: Stubbing out pageModel

First, you need to make pageModel accessible by setting it as own property of Page (this.pageModel = xxx). Then, you can stub it like shown bellow:

mongoose = require('mongoose');mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');mongoose.set('debug', true);schema = new mongoose.Schema({title: String});mongoose.model('Page', schema);var Page = function(db) {  var mongoose = db || require('mongoose');  if(!this instanceof Page) {    return new Page(db);  }  var PageSchema = mongoose.model('Page');  this.pageModel = new PageSchema();  function save(params, cb) {    console.log("");    this.pageModel.set(params); (err, product) {      console.log("");      cb(err, product);    });  } = save;};page = new Page();sinon = require('sinon');sinon.stub(page.pageModel, 'save', function(cb){  cb("fake error", null);});{ title: 'awesome' }, function (err, product) {  if(err) return console.log("ERROR:", err);  console.log("DONE");});

I recommend you to use mock instead of stub, that will check the method really exists on the original object.

var page = new Page();// If you are using callbacks, use yields so your callback will be calledsinon.mock(page)  .expects('save')  .yields(someError, someResult);// If you are using Promises, use 'resolves' (using sinon-as-promised npm) sinon.mock(page)  .expects('save')  .resolves(someResult);

Take a look to sinon-mongoose. You can expects chained methods (on both, Mongoose Models and Documents) with just a few lines (there are working examples on the repo).

page = new Page();sinon.stub(page, 'save', function(cb){ cb(null) })

Above code is deprecated.

Please try to add fake function for your stub as below -

sinon.stub(page, 'save').callsFake(function(cb){      // do your Fake code      cb(null)})