Timeout when attempting to connect to mongo from jest unit tests Timeout when attempting to connect to mongo from jest unit tests mongoose mongoose

Timeout when attempting to connect to mongo from jest unit tests

Jest-jasmine is different from Jasmine.
The syntax you used actually belongs to Jasmine 2.0+, not Jest-jasmine. So if you want to continue to use jest, you have to look into jest docs to find the answer.
Even more, "beforeAll" is not a standard jest injected variables, see jest api.

I got your code run with Jasmine 2.3.4, it runs just fine. I tried Promise/pit in jest to finish this job but failed.

First, install jasmine.

npm install -g jasminemkdir jasmine-test  cd jasmine-testjasmine initjasmine examplestouch spec/mongodbspec.js

Here is my directory structure:

fenqideMacBook-Pro:jasmine-test fenqi$ ls -R.:spec/./spec:mongodbspec.js  support/./spec/support:jasmine.json

Then, edit spec/mongodbspec.js, I just add one line " 'use strict'; " to your code.

'use strict';const mongoose = require('mongoose');describe('MyTest', () => {  beforeAll((done) => {    mongoose.connect('mongodb://');    let db = mongoose.connection;    db.on('error', (err) => {      done.fail(err);    });    db.once('open', () => {      done();    });  });  it('has some property', () => {    // should pass but actually never gets run    expect(1).toBe(1);  });});

Last, run 'jasmine' :

fenqideMacBook-Pro:jasmine-test fenqi$ jasmineStarted.1 spec, 0 failuresFinished in 0.023 seconds