Trying to hash a password using bcrypt inside an async function Trying to hash a password using bcrypt inside an async function mongoose mongoose

Trying to hash a password using bcrypt inside an async function

await dosent wait for bcrypt.hash because bcrypt.hash does notreturn a promise. Use the following method, which wraps bcrypt in a promise in order to use await.

async function hashPassword (user) {  const password = user.password  const saltRounds = 10;  const hashedPassword = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    bcrypt.hash(password, saltRounds, function(err, hash) {      if (err) reject(err)      resolve(hash)    });  })  return hashedPassword}


The library has added code to return a promise which will make the useof async/await possible, which was not availableearlier. the new way of usage would be as follows.

const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, saltRounds)

By default, bcrypt.hash(password,10) will return as promise. please check here

Example: Run the code,

var bcrypt= require('bcrypt');let password = "12345";var hashPassword = async function(){    console.log(bcrypt.hash(password,10));    var hashPwd = await bcrypt.hash(password,10);    console.log(hashPwd);}hashPassword();


Promise { <pending> }$2b$10$8Y5Oj329TeEh8weYpJA6EOE39AA/BXVFOEUn1YOFC.sf1chUi4H8i

When you use await inside the async function, it will wait untill it get resolved from the promise.

use The method bcrypt.hashSync(), It is Synchronous out of the box.

const hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password,saltRounds);