TypeError: newUser.find is not a function TypeError: newUser.find is not a function mongoose mongoose

TypeError: newUser.find is not a function

if you have body in your request, change the type of request to POST...after that for use find don't need to create a instance of model, use find with Model

router.get("/VerifyEmail", (req, res) => {  console.log("Body:", req.body); const data = req.body;  User.find({ email: data.email }, function (err, newUser) {    if (err) console.log(err);    if (newUser) {      console.log("ErrorMessage: This email already exists");    } else {      console.log("This email is valid");    }  });  res.json({    msg: "We received your data!!!",  });});

I prefer to use async/await and don't use Uppercase world for routing check the article: like this

router.post("/verify-email", async (req, res) => {  try {    let { email } = req.body;    let newUser = await User.findOne({ email });    if (newUser) {      console.log("ErrorMessage: This email already exists");    } else {      console.log("This email is valid");    }  } catch (error) {    res.json({      msg: "somthing went wrong",    });  }  res.json({    msg: "We received your data!!!",  });});

The proper way to query a Model is like so:

const User = mongoose.model('Users');User.find({<query>}, function (err, newUser) {...

So you need to get the model into a variable (in this case User) and then run the find function directly against it, as opposed to running it against an object you instantiate from it. So this is incorrect:

const newUser = new User();newUser.find(...

So assuming all your files and modules are linked up correctly, this should work:

const User = require("../Models/User");User.find({<query>}, function (err, newUser) {...

The problem wasn't actually the mongoose function but I needed to parse the object being sent.

let { email } = JSON.parse(req.body);

Before parsing the object looked like {"email" : "something@gmail.com"}

and after parsing the object looked like {email: 'something@gmail.com'}

I also changed the request from 'get' to 'post' and instead of creating a new instance of the model I simply used User.find() instead of newUser.find()