Understanding callback on this MDN example Understanding callback on this MDN example mongoose mongoose

Understanding callback on this MDN example

the callback is passed by the async package.


As async parallel function takes array or object (in your example) of asynchronous tasks and these async tasks require a callback which will get called when its execution completes or if there is an error. So parallel function provides these callback functions and will call your callback ( provided as a second parameter to parallel function call) when all of them are called or got an error in any of them.

You can check the detailed explanation from here - https://caolan.github.io/async/v3/docs.html#parallel


Consider parallel as a wrapper function like:

function parallel(tasks, userCallback) {    let tasksDone = [];    function callback(err, data){ // this is the callback function you're asking for        if(err){            userCallback(err); // calling callback in case of error        }else {            tasksDone.push(data);            if(tasks.length === tasksDone.length){                userCallback(null, tasksDone); // calling callback when all the tasks finished            }        }    }    tasks.forEach(task => {        task(callback); // calling each task without waiting for previous one to finish     })}

Note: This is not a proper implementation of parallel function of async, this is just an example to understand how we can use callback function internally and what is its usecase