Unexpected behaviour while adding an item to an array in a BSON document that has come from Mongoose query Unexpected behaviour while adding an item to an array in a BSON document that has come from Mongoose query mongoose mongoose

Unexpected behaviour while adding an item to an array in a BSON document that has come from Mongoose query

Actually, you're doing nothing wrong, but console.log() only recurses into nested objects up to a certain depth:

> console.log([[[ "test" ]]])[ [ [ 'test' ] ] ]// add one more level, and...> console.log([[[[ "test" ]]]])[ [ [ [Object] ] ] ]

Try converting your object to (pretty-printed) JSON:

console.log(JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));

Or, alternatively, use a formatting string (output won't be as pretty though):

console.log('%j', user);

Or use util.inspect with an specified depth (where null means infinite):

var inspect = require('util').inspect;console.log(inspect(a, { depth : null }))