Updating array of objects in mongoose based off key in objects value Updating array of objects in mongoose based off key in objects value mongoose mongoose

Updating array of objects in mongoose based off key in objects value

you want to using $push and $set in one findByIdAndUpdate, that's impossible, I prefer use findById() and process and save() so just try

exports.makePicks = async (req, res, next) => {  const picks = req.body;  try {    //implementation business logic    let result = await User.findById(req.user._id)    if(result.picks && result.picks.length > 0){      result.picks.forEach(item =>{        if([`week-${req.params.week}`] in item){          item[`week-${req.params.week}`] = picks        }        else{          result.picks.push({ [`week-${req.params.week}`] : picks })        }      })    }    else{      result.picks.push({ [`week-${req.params.week}`] : picks })    }    await result.save()    res.redirect('/api/dashboard');  } catch (error) {    console.log(error)  }}

note: don't use callback and async/await together

exports.makePicks = async (req, res, next) => {  const picks = req.body;  const { week } = req.params;  try {       let result = await User.findById(req.user._id);    const data = { [`week-${week}`]: picks };    const allPicks = [...result.picks];        if (allPicks.length > 0) {      // Search index of peek      const pickIndex = _.findIndex(allPicks, (pick) => {        return Object.keys(pick)[0] == `week-${week}`;      });      // If found, update it      if (pickIndex !== -1) {        console.log(chalk.green("true"));        allPicks[pickIndex] = data;      }      // Otherwise, push new pick      else {        console.log(chalk.red("false"));        allPicks.push(data);      }    } else {      allPicks.push(data);      console.log(chalk.yellow('results.picks is empty'))    }    result.picks = allPicks;    console.log('allPicks', allPicks);        await result.save();    res.redirect("/api/dashboard");  } catch (error) {    console.log(error);  }};