Using a testing database with Restify Using a testing database with Restify mongoose mongoose

Using a testing database with Restify

An approach that worked for me was an env.js file and a config.js file.

In config.js (really copied from config-dev.js and config-prod.js) I put all my configuration settings. Things like directory path information and database settings.

For example, this is my dev DB connection (I'm using the knexjs package):

var knex = {  client : 'mysql',  connection : {    host : '',    user : 'root',    password : 'pass',    database : 'testdev',    charset : 'utf8'  }};

In my production config, I simply have a different connection defined.

Then, in env.js, I required the config.js file to load the appropriate settings. In my unit tests, I can load the env.js for dev, and in app.js I can load for production.

Make sense? You are on the right path though, it is possible to have the same code testing against two different DBs.

EDIT from comments: I would suggest setting up a test environment where you can start your own API server on a different port, and then run your tests off that (which of course would connect to a test DB).