Using project fields in calculation on mongoose Using project fields in calculation on mongoose mongoose mongoose

Using project fields in calculation on mongoose

Yes it's possible with the aggregation framework. You can either use the aggregate() pipeline builder as:

Model.aggregate()     .project({          "percentage_amount": {              "$multiply": [                   "$commission", {                       "$divide": ["$price", 100]                   }              ]           },           "payable": {               "$subtract": ["$price", percentage_amount]           }      })      .exec(function(err, result) {          if (err) return handleError(err);          console.log(result)      });

or using the aggregate() operator pipeline array:

Model.aggregate([    {      "project": {          "percentage_amount": {              "$multiply": [                   "$commission", {                       "$divide": ["$price", 100]                   }              ]           },           "payable": {               "$subtract": ["$price", percentage_amount]           }    }]).exec(function(err, result) {    if (err) return handleError(err);    console.log(result)});