Using Sinon to stub chained Mongoose calls Using Sinon to stub chained Mongoose calls mongoose mongoose

Using Sinon to stub chained Mongoose calls

I've solved it by doing the following:

var mockFindOne = {    where: function () {        return this;    },    equals: function () {        return this;    },    exec: function (callback) {        callback(null, "some fake expected return value");    }};sinon.stub(mongoose.Model, "findOne").returns(mockFindOne);

Take a look to sinon-mongoose. You can expects chained methods with just a few lines:

sinon.mock(YourModel).expects('findOne')  .chain('where').withArgs('someBooleanProperty')  .chain('exec')  .yields(someError, someResult);

You can find working examples on the repo.

Also, a recommendation: use mock method instead of stub, that will check the method really exists.

Another way is to stub or spy the prototype functions of the created Query (using sinon):

const mongoose = require('mongoose');sinon.spy(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'where');sinon.spy(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'equals');const query_result = [];sinon.stub(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'exec').yieldsAsync(null, query_result);