What aggregation cursor methods are supported by Nodejs drivers? What aggregation cursor methods are supported by Nodejs drivers? mongoose mongoose

What aggregation cursor methods are supported by Nodejs drivers?

What actually gets returned from aggregate with a cursor is a node transform stream interface with a few other convenience methods, notably:

explain: [Function],get: [Function],getOne: [Function],each: [Function],next: [Function],

Which you can obtain by simply dumping the cursor object using console.log. Those should be self explanatory with the get() method being equivalent to .toArray().

Since this is a standard streaming interface the methods and event handlers are available as per this interface, so with an example:

  var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;  MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost/test", function(err,db) {    var items = [];    var counter = 0;    var cursor = db.collection('tags').aggregate(      [        { "$project": {          "t1": 1,          "t2": 1        }}      ],      { "cursor": { "batchSize": 25 } }    );    console.log( cursor );    cursor.on('data', function(data) {      console.log( this );  // dump the current state info      items.push( data );      counter++;    });    cursor.on('end', function() {      console.log( "Iterated " + counter + " times" );    });  });

The "data" event is fired with each cursor iteration and properties on the object will show whether the stream is complete or still iterating and so on.