What is the correct way of using Bluebird for Mongoose promises? What is the correct way of using Bluebird for Mongoose promises? mongoose mongoose

What is the correct way of using Bluebird for Mongoose promises?

Choose the Mongoose way:

mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');

That's because Mongoose already supports promises (besides also accepting callbacks); the above code just replaces Mongoose's own promise library (mpromise) by Bluebird (which is probably faster, better tested, and has more utility functions available).

Bluebird's promisify*() is meant to allow code that doesn't already use promises (purely callback-based functions) to return promises.

From Bluebird doc

Promise.promisifyAll(    Object target,    [Object {        suffix: String="Async",        multiArgs: boolean=false,        filter: boolean function(String name, function func, Object target, boolean passesDefaultFilter),        promisifier: function(function originalFunction, function defaultPromisifier)    } options] ) -> Object

as you can see, by default, promisifyAll add suffix 'Asyns', so if you are using this way of promisification:

var Promise = require("bluebird");Promise.promisifyAll(require("mongoose"));

the async version of User.findById will be User.findByIdAsync

what about mongoose.Promise

then you use promise library like

mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');

built-in promise mechanism replaced by library: query.exec().constructor replaced by require('bluebird') so instead .exec() for return promise, you can use bluebird probabilities directly for mongoose queries like

User.findOne({}).then(function(user){    // ..})  

For those of you using TypeScript, the correct way is:

(<any>mongoose).Promise = YOUR_PROMISE;

From the documentation:

Typescript does not allow assigning properties of imported modules. To avoid compile errors use one of the options below in your code:(<any>mongoose).Promise = YOUR_PROMISE;require('mongoose').Promise = YOUR_PROMISE;import mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.Promise = YOUR_PROMISE;