where to delete database and close connection after all tests using mocha where to delete database and close connection after all tests using mocha mongoose mongoose

where to delete database and close connection after all tests using mocha

You can define a "root" after() hook before the 1st describe() to handle cleanup:

after(function (done) {    db.connection.db.dropDatabase(function () {        db.connection.close(function () {            done();        });    });});describe('User', ...);

Though, the error you're getting may be from the 3 asynchronous hooks that aren't informing Mocha to continue. These need to either call done() or skip the argument so they can be treated as synchronous:

describe('User', function(){    beforeEach(function(done){ // arg = asynchronous        done();    });    after(function(done){        done()    });    describe('#save()', function(){        beforeEach(function(){ // no arg = synchronous        });        // ...    });});

From the docs:

By adding a callback (usually named done) to it() Mocha will know that it should wait for completion.

I implemented it a bit different.

  1. I removed all documents in the "before" hook - found it a lot faster than dropDatabase().
  2. I used Promise.all() to make sure all documents were removed before exiting the hook.

    beforeEach(function (done) {    function clearDB() {        var promises = [            Model1.remove().exec(),            Model2.remove().exec(),            Model3.remove().exec()        ];        Promise.all(promises)            .then(function () {                done();            })    }    if (mongoose.connection.readyState === 0) {        mongoose.connect(config.dbUrl, function (err) {            if (err) {                throw err;            }            return clearDB();        });    } else {        return clearDB();    }});