Where to process data on MERN stack? Where to process data on MERN stack? mongoose mongoose

Where to process data on MERN stack?

You should let MongoDB to the grouping, especially if you're dealing with a big dataset. The reason for that is that you could potentially block the event-loop by long running operations. Here's an aggregation query that should help you get started:

yourModel.aggregate([        {            $match: {                date: yourDateToMatch            }        },        { // you need this conversion stage in order to be able to do maths with your debit field            $addFields: {                convertedDebit: {                    $toDecimal: "$debit"                }            }        },        {            $group: {                _id: "$category",                total: {                    $sum: "$convertedDebit"                },                // add grouping options for subcategories            }        }    ])

and just return the result using node.