Why Am I getting "TypeError: Cannot read property 'restore' of undefined" when stubbing mongoose with sinon.js Why Am I getting "TypeError: Cannot read property 'restore' of undefined" when stubbing mongoose with sinon.js mongoose mongoose

Why Am I getting "TypeError: Cannot read property 'restore' of undefined" when stubbing mongoose with sinon.js

The Problem was that I was trying to stub the Prototype as directed by alot of snippets I found online so I changed

var stub = sinon.stub(PeopleProvider.Model.prototype, 'find', somefunction); 


var stub = sinon.stub(PeopleProvider.Model, 'find', somefunction); 

I also realized after fixing this error that I also was missing my callback so here is the full changes for the test:

it("Test: stubbing find for getAllPeople", function (done) {    var stub = sinon.stub(PeopleProvider.model, 'find', function (callback) {        var results = [{            name: "John",            addresses: ["abc", "123", "xyz"]        }, {            name: "Jane",            addresses: ["123 fake st", "somewhereville"]        }, {            name: "Joe",            addresses: ["someplace", "overthere", "here"]        }];        callback(null, results);    });     PeopleProvider.getAllPeople(function (error, data) {        expect(data instanceof Array).to.equal(true);        expect(data.length).to.equal(3);        expect(data[0].name).to.equal("John");        expect(data[0].addresses.length).to.equal(3);        expect(data[0].addresses[0]).to.equal("abc");        expect(data[1].name).to.equal("Jane");        expect(data[1].addresses.length).to.equal(2);        expect(data[1].addresses[0]).to.equal("123 fake st");        expect(data[2].name).to.equal("Joe");        expect(data[2].addresses.length).to.equal(3);        expect(data[2].addresses[0]).to.equal("someplace");        done();    });});