Why is Mongoose replacing key/value pair in an object with _id? Why is Mongoose replacing key/value pair in an object with _id? mongoose mongoose

Why is Mongoose replacing key/value pair in an object with _id?

The issue is that the first object you're trying to save:

console.log(stockObject);// { 'F': '2' }

Doesn't match the Schema you've defined for it:

{    symbol: String,    amount: Number}

Mongoose normalizes objects it saves based on the Schema, removing excess properties like 'F' when it's expecting only 'symbol' and 'amount'.

if(req.body.verb === 'buy') {    stockObject.symbol = stock;    stockObject.amount = amount;}

To get the output as [{"F": "2"}], you could .map() the collection before sending it to the client:

res.json({    stocks: user.stocks.map(function (stock) {        // in ES6        // return { [stock.symbol]: stock.amount };        var out = {};        out[stock.symbol] = stock.amount;        return out;    });});

Or, use the Mixed type, as mentioned in "How do you use Mongoose without defining a schema?," that would allow you to store { 'F': '2' }.

var UserSchema = new Schema({    id: String,    stocks: [{        type: Schema.Types.Mixed    }]});