Why is my Jwt token not being extracted? Why is my Jwt token not being extracted? mongoose mongoose

Why is my Jwt token not being extracted?

OK I figured it out. I examined how my token generator function was working. I'm using mongoose and it was passing the id of the user model to the token like this:

function tokenForUser(user) {   const timestamp = new Date().getTime();  //subject and issued at time   return jwt.encode({ sub: user.id, iat: timestamp }, config.secret);}

I looked at the actual model that was being sent into this function and it turns out that mongoose adds an id with the key _id not id. Once I changed it to this everything works!

function tokenForUser(user) {  const timestamp = new Date().getTime();  //subject and issued at time  const userid = user['_id'];  return jwt.encode({ sub: userid, iat: timestamp }, config.secret);}