Advantages of using condition variables over mutex Advantages of using condition variables over mutex multithreading multithreading

Advantages of using condition variables over mutex

A condition variable allows a thread to be signaled when something of interest to that thread occurs.

By itself, a mutex doesn't do this.

If you just need mutual exclusion, then condition variables don't do anything for you. However, if you need to know when something happens, then condition variables can help.

For example, if you have a queue of items to work on, you'll have a mutex to ensure the queue's internals are consistent when accessed by the various producer and consumer threads. However, when the queue is empty, how will a consumer thread know when something is in there for it to work on? Without something like a condition variable it would need to poll the queue, taking and releasing the mutex on each poll (otherwise a producer thread could never put something on the queue).

Using a condition variable lets the consumer find that when the queue is empty it can just wait on the condition variable indicating that the queue has had something put into it. No polling - that thread does nothing until a producer puts something in the queue, then signals the condition that the queue has a new item.

You're looking for too much overlap in two separate but related things: a mutex and a condition variable.

A common implementation approach for a mutex is to use a flag and a queue. The flag indicates whether the mutex is held by anyone (a single-count semaphore would work too), and the queue tracks which threads are in line waiting to acquire the mutex exclusively.

A condition variable is then implemented as another queue bolted onto that mutex. Threads that got in line to wait to acquire the mutex can—usually once they have acquired it—volunteer to get out of the front of the line and get into the condition queue instead. At this point, you have two separate sets of waiters:

  • Those waiting to acquire the mutex exclusively
  • Those waiting for the condition variable to be signaled

When a thread holding the mutex exclusively signals the condition variable, for which we'll assume for now that it's a singular signal (unleashing no more than one waiting thread) and not a broadcast (unleashing all the waiting threads), the first thread in the condition variable queue gets shunted back over into the front (usually) of the mutex queue. Once the thread currently holding the mutex—usually the thread that signaled the condition variable—relinquishes the mutex, the next thread in the mutex queue can acquire it. That next thread in line will have been the one that was at the head of the condition variable queue.

There are many complicated details that come into play, but this sketch should give you a feel for the structures and operations in play.

If you are looking for performance, then start reading about "non blocking / non locking" thread synchronization algorithms. They are based upon atomic operations, which gcc is kind enough to provide. Lookup gcc atomic operations. Our tests showed we could increment a global value with multiple threads using atomic operation magnitudes faster than locking with a mutex. Here is some sample code that shows how to add items to and from a linked list from multiple threads at the same time without locking.

For sleeping and waking threads, signals are much faster than conditions. You use pthread_kill to send the signal, and sigwait to sleep the thread. We tested this too with the same kind of performance benefits. Here is some example code.