Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture? Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture? multithreading multithreading

Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture?

You have a big challenge ahead of you. I had a similar challenge ahead of me -- 15 year old monolithic single threaded code base, not taking advantage of multicore, etc. We expended a great deal of effort in trying to find a design and solution that was workable and would work.

Bad news first. It will be somewhere between impractical and impossible to make your single-threaded app multithreaded. A single threaded app relies on it's singlethreaded-ness is ways both subtle and gross. One example is if the computation portion requires input from the GUI portion. The GUI must run in the main thread. If you try to get this data directly from the computation engine, you will likely run in to deadlock and race conditions that will require major redesigns to fix. Many of these reliances will not crop up during the design phase, or even during the development phase, but only after a release build is put in a harsh environment.

More bad news. Programming multithreaded applications is exceptionally hard. It might seem fairly straightforward to just lock stuff and do what you have to do, but it is not. First of all if you lock everything in sight you end up serializing your application, negating every benefit of mutithreading in the first place while still adding in all the complexity. Even if you get beyond this, writing a defect-free MP application is hard enough, but writing a highly-performant MP application is that much more difficult. You could learn on the job in a kind of baptismal by fire. But if you are doing this with production code, especially legacy production code, you put your buisness at risk.

Now the good news. You do have options that don't involve refactoring your whole app and will give you most of what you seek. One option in particular is easy to implement (in relative terms), and much less prone to defects than making your app fully MP.

You could instantiate multiple copies of your application. Make one of them visible, and all the others invisible. Use the visible application as the presentation layer, but don't do the computational work there. Instead, send messages (perhaps via sockets) to the invisible copies of your application which do the work and send the results back to the presentation layer.

This might seem like a hack. And maybe it is. But it will get you what you need without putting the stability and performance of your system at such great risk. Plus there are hidden benefits. One is that the invisible engine copies of your app will have access to their own virtual memory space, making it easier to leverage all the resources of the system. It also scales nicely. If you are running on a 2-core box, you could spin off 2 copies of your engine. 32 cores? 32 copies. You get the idea.

So, there's a hint in your description of the algorithm as to how to proceed:

often quite a complex data flow - think of this as data flowing through a complex graph, each node of which performs operations

I'd look into making that data-flow graph be literally the structure that does the work. The links in the graph can be thread-safe queues, the algorithms at each node can stay pretty much unchanged, except wrapped in a thread that picks up work items from a queue and deposits results on one. You could go a step further and use sockets and processes rather than queues and threads; this will let you spread across multiple machines if there is a performance benefit in doing this.

Then your paint and other GUI methods need split in two: one half to queue the work, and the other half to draw or use the results as they come out of the pipeline.

This may not be practical if the app presumes that data is global. But if it is well contained in classes, as your description suggests it may be, then this could be the simplest way to get it parallelised.

  1. Don't attempt to multithread everything in the old app. Multithreading for the sake of saying it's multithreaded is a waste of time and money. You're building an app that does something, not a monument to yourself.
  2. Profile and study your execution flows to figure out where the app spends most of its time. A profiler is a great tool for this, but so is just stepping through the code in the debugger. You find the most interesting things in random walks.
  3. Decouple the UI from long-running computations. Use cross-thread communications techniques to send updates to the UI from the computation thread.
  4. As a side-effect of #3: think carefully about reentrancy: now that the compute is running in the background and the user can smurf around in the UI, what things in the UI should be disabled to prevent conflicts with the background operation? Allowing the user to delete a dataset while a computation is running on that data is probably a bad idea. (Mitigation: computation makes a local snapshot of the data) Does it make sense for the user to spool up multiple compute operations concurrently? If handled well, this could be a new feature and help rationalize the app rework effort. If ignored, it will be a disaster.
  5. Identify specific operations that are candidates to be shoved into a background thread. The ideal candidate is usually a single function or class that does a lot of work (requires a "lot of time" to complete - more than a few seconds) with well defined inputs and outputs, that makes use of no global resources, and does not touch the UI directly. Evaluate and prioritize candidates based on how much work would be required to retrofit to this ideal.
  6. In terms of project management, take things one step at a time. If you have multiple operations that are strong candidates to be moved to a background thread, and they have no interaction with each other, these might be implemented in parallel by multiple developers. However, it would be a good exercise to have everybody participate in one conversion first so that everyone understands what to look for and to establish your patterns for UI interaction, etc. Hold an extended whiteboard meeting to discuss the design and process of extracting the one function into a background thread. Go implement that (together or dole out pieces to individuals), then reconvene to put it all together and discuss discoveries and pain points.
  7. Multithreading is a headache and requires more careful thought than straight up coding, but splitting the app into multiple processes creates far more headaches, IMO. Threading support and available primitives are good in Windows, perhaps better than some other platforms. Use them.
  8. In general, don't do any more than what is needed. It's easy to severely over implement and over complicate an issue by throwing more patterns and standard libraries at it.
  9. If nobody on your team has done multithreading work before, budget time to make an expert or funds to hire one as a consultant.