AggregateException - What does AggregateException.Flatten().InnerException represent? AggregateException - What does AggregateException.Flatten().InnerException represent? multithreading multithreading

AggregateException - What does AggregateException.Flatten().InnerException represent?

It will just be one of the non-AggregateExceptions within the original exception. So for example, if you have an initial AggregateException of:

AggregateException    AggregateException        IOException("x")        IOException("y")    IOException("z")

Then the InnerException of the flattened result would come out as either IOException("x"), IOException("y") or IOException("z"). I don't believe there's any guarantee about which it would be. (I believe the current behaviour would give the "z" version at the moment...) It will be the first of the InnerExceptions on the flattened version, but that should be seen as a union of all the original non-AggregateExceptions, with no guaranteed order.

Basically InnerException isn't terribly useful for AggregateException. It would be far more useful to log all the InnerExceptions... or just call ToString() on the top-level exception, which would keep all the structure...