Android animation reduce stutter/choppy/lag Android animation reduce stutter/choppy/lag multithreading multithreading

Android animation reduce stutter/choppy/lag

I've reduced the amount of stutter on my animations by following these rules listed in order of importance when reducing stutter:

  1. Don't initiate animations in onCreate, onStart or onResume.
  2. Initiate animations on user events such as onClick and disable touch events until animation is complete.
  3. Don't initiate more than 2 animations simultaneously.

If you are using animation you should follow the android docs; in fact in some cases, you might need to postpone your fragment transition for a short period of time. For example in my case I need to postpone my animation until my viewmodel return some data:

Use postponeEnterTransition() in the entering fragment onViewCreated() method:

public class A extends Fragment {    @Override    public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {        ...        postponeEnterTransition();    }}

Once the data are ready to start the transition, call startPostponedEnterTransition()

public class A extends Fragment {    @Override    public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {        postponeEnterTransition();        final ViewGroup parentView = (ViewGroup) view.getParent();        // Wait for the data to load        viewModel.getData()            .observe(getViewLifecycleOwner(), new Observer<List<String>>() {                @Override                public void onChanged(List<String> list) {                    // Set the data on the RecyclerView adapter                    adapter.setData(list);                    // Start the transition once all views have been                    // measured and laid out                    parentView.getViewTreeObserver()                        .addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {                            parentView.getViewTreeObserver()                                .removeOnPreDrawListener(this);                            startPostponedEnterTransition();                            return true;                        });                }        });    }}