Are there any examples in the .Net framework that use spinlock or spinwait? Are there any examples in the .Net framework that use spinlock or spinwait? multithreading multithreading

Are there any examples in the .Net framework that use spinlock or spinwait?

Pretty much any of the low-lock concurrent collection class will likely use some combination of SpinWait and Yield. Though ConcurrentDictionary is one notable exception. The list of classes I found include the following.

  • ManualResetEventSlim
  • SemaphoreSlim
  • SpinLock
  • Barrier
  • ReaderWriterLockSlim
  • ConcurrentQueue
  • ConcurrentStack
  • BlockingCollection

What do you mean by normal locking ? Some kind of lock(object) { ... } construct ?

If yes, you should look at ConcurrentStack for example, it uses a SpinWait for its job.

ConcurrentStack and ConcurrentQueue are lock-free collections, however ConcurrentDictionary, ConcurrentBag are using locks. BlockingCollections is just a container so it is not a collection by itself, it has to wrap other threadsafe collections, for examplevar bc = new BlockingCollection(new ConcurrentStack());

this is an introductory article about how to use SpinWait in lock-free code