BackgroundWorker vs background Thread BackgroundWorker vs background Thread multithreading multithreading

BackgroundWorker vs background Thread

Some of my thoughts...

  1. Use BackgroundWorker if you have a single task that runs in the background and needs to interact with the UI. The task of marshalling data and method calls to the UI thread are handled automatically through its event-based model. Avoid BackgroundWorker if...
    • your assembly does not have or does not interact directly with the UI,
    • you need the thread to be a foreground thread, or
    • you need to manipulate the thread priority.
  2. Use a ThreadPool thread when efficiency is desired. The ThreadPool helps avoid the overhead associated with creating, starting, and stopping threads. Avoid using the ThreadPool if...
    • the task runs for the lifetime of your application,
    • you need the thread to be a foreground thread,
    • you need to manipulate the thread priority, or
    • you need the thread to have a fixed identity (aborting, suspending, discovering).
  3. Use the Thread class for long-running tasks and when you require features offered by a formal threading model, e.g., choosing between foreground and background threads, tweaking the thread priority, fine-grained control over thread execution, etc.

From my understanding of your question, you are using a BackgroundWorker as a standard Thread.

The reason why BackgroundWorker is recommended for things that you don't want to tie up the UI thread is because it exposes some nice events when doing Win Forms development.

Events like RunWorkerCompleted to signal when the thread has completed what it needed to do, and the ProgressChanged event to update the GUI on the threads progress.

So if you aren't making use of these, I don't see any harm in using a standard Thread for what you need to do.

Pretty much what Matt Davis said, with the following additional points:

For me the main differentiator with BackgroundWorker is the automatic marshalling of the completed event via the SynchronizationContext. In a UI context this means the completed event fires on the UI thread, and so can be used to update UI. This is a major differentiator if you are using the BackgroundWorker in a UI context.

Tasks executed via the ThreadPool cannot be easily cancelled (this includes ThreadPool. QueueUserWorkItem and delegates execute asyncronously). So whilst it avoids the overhead of thread spinup, if you need cancellation either use a BackgroundWorker or (more likely outside of the UI) spin up a thread and keep a reference to it so you can call Abort().