bash while loop threading bash while loop threading multithreading multithreading

bash while loop threading

You can send tasks to the background by &If you intend to wait for all of them to finish you can use the wait command:

process_to_background &echo Processing ...waitecho Done

You can get the pid of the given task started in the background if you want to wait for one (or few) specific tasks.

important_process_to_background &important_pid=$!while i in {1..10}; do    less_important_process_to_background $i &donewait $important_pidecho Important task finishedwaitecho All tasks finished

On note though: the background processes can mess up the output as they will run asynchronously. You might want to use a named pipe to collect the output from them.


As asked in the comments there might be a need for limiting the background processes forked. In this case you can keep track of how many background processes you've started and communicate with them through a named pipe.

mkfifo tmp # creating named pipecounter=0while read ipdo  if [ $counter -lt 10 ]; then # we are under the limit    { check $ip; echo 'done' > tmp; } &    let $[counter++];  else    read x < tmp # waiting for a process to finish    { check $ip; echo 'done' > tmp; } &  fidonecat /tmp > /dev/null # let all the background processes endrm tmp # remove fifo

You can start multiple processes, each calling the function check and wait for them to finish.

while read line do   ip=$line  check &done < $hostswait # wait for all child processes to finish

Whether this increases the speed depends on available processors and the function check's implementation. You have to ensure there's no data dependency in check between iterations.