C , how to create thread using pthread_create function C , how to create thread using pthread_create function multithreading multithreading

C , how to create thread using pthread_create function

The four parameters to pthread_create are, in order:

  1. A pointer to a pthread_t structure, which pthread_create will fill out with information on the thread it creates.

  2. A pointer to a pthread_attr_t with parameters for the thread. You can safely just pass NULL most of the time.

  3. A function to run in the thread. The function must return void * and take a void * argument, which you may use however you see fit. (For instance, if you're starting multiple threads with the same function, you can use this parameter to distinguish them.)

  4. The void * that you want to start up the thread with. Pass NULL if you don't need it.

clarifying duskwuff's answer:

work parameter is a function pointer. The function should take one argument which is indicated as type void * and return value void *.

param is expected to be a pointer to the data that work will receive.

As an example, lets say you want to pass two int to the worker. Then, you can create something like this:

int *param = (int *)malloc(2 * sizeof(int));param[0] = 123;param[1] = 456;pthread_create(&cThread, NULL, work, param);

Then your work function can convert the pointer type and grab the param data:

void *work(void * parm) {    int *param = (int *)parm;    int first_val = param[0];    ....}

You can do more complex stuff, like creating a struct with all of the data you need to pass.