C# Sending SMTP using System.Threading C# Sending SMTP using System.Threading multithreading multithreading

C# Sending SMTP using System.Threading


var SMTP = new SmtpClient        {            Host = txtBxSenderHost.Text,            Port = 587,            EnableSsl = true,            DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,            UseDefaultCredentials = false,            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strSenderAddress, strSenderPassword)        };        Thread T1 = new Thread(delegate()        {            using (var message = new MailMessage(senderAdrress, toAddress)            {                Subject = strSubject,                Body = strBody            })            {                {                    SMTP.Send(message);                }            }        });        T1.Start();

You can do it even easier by defining everything beforehand and the just calling the new thread.

//define everything aboveThread t1 = new Thread(delegate(){     SMTP.send(message);});t1.Start();

Thats what I did and it makes life easier with those curly braces