C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU multithreading multithreading

C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU

boost::asio is not as thread-friendly as you would hope - there is a big lock around the epoll code in boost/asio/detail/epoll_reactor.hpp which means that only one thread can call into the kernel's epoll syscall at a time. And for very small requests this makes all the difference (meaning you will only see roughly single-threaded performance).

Note that this is a limitation of how boost::asio uses the Linux kernel facilities, not necessarily the Linux kernel itself. The epoll syscall does support multiple threads when using edge-triggered events, but getting it right (without excessive locking) can be quite tricky.

BTW, I have been doing some work in this area (combining a fully-multithreaded edge-triggered epoll event loop with user-scheduled threads/fibers) and made some code available under the nginetd project.

As you are using EC2, all bets are off.

Try it using real hardware, and then you might be able to see what's happening. Trying to do performance testing in VMs is basically impossible.

I have not yet worked out what EC2 is useful for, if someone find out, please let me know.

From your comments on network utilization,
You do not seem to have much network movement.

3 + 2.5 MiB/sec is around the 50Mbps ball-park (compared to your 1Gbps port).

I'd say you are having one of the following two problems,

  1. Insufficient work-load (low request-rate from your clients)
    • Blocking in the server (interfered response generation)

Looking at cmeerw's notes and your CPU utilization figures
(idling at 50% + 20% + 0% + 0%)
it seems most likely a limitation in your server implementation.
I second cmeerw's answer (+1).