Cache line padding for variables that are a multiple of cache line size Cache line padding for variables that are a multiple of cache line size multithreading multithreading

Cache line padding for variables that are a multiple of cache line size

Taking a page from std::aligned_storage<>, I've come up with the following:

template<class T, bool = false>struct padded{    using type = struct    {        alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE)T myObj;        char padding[CLPAD(sizeof(T))];    };};template<class T>struct padded<T, true>{    using type = struct    {        alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE)T myObj;    };};template<class T>using padded_t = typename padded<T, (sizeof(T) % CACHELINE_SIZE == 0)>::type;


struct alignas(32) my_type_1 { char c[32]; }; // char c[32] to silence MSVC warningstruct my_type_2 { char c[CACHELINE_SIZE * 2]; }; // dittoint main(){    padded_t<my_type_1> pt0;    padded_t<my_type_2> pt1;    sizeof(pt0);    // 128    alignof(pt0);   // 128    sizeof(pt1);    // 256    alignof(pt1);   // 128}

You can provide a function to access myObj however you wish.