Calling a computationally intensive routine from VBA without stalling Excel GUI Calling a computationally intensive routine from VBA without stalling Excel GUI multithreading multithreading

Calling a computationally intensive routine from VBA without stalling Excel GUI

If you want to do this well you need to give up on VBA and write a COM add-in.

Posting my comment as an answer...

You could implement an event in your COM object and have it call back when done. See for an example of how to run a COM object asynchronously.

My dirty hack is: create a new instance of Excel, run the code there.

Another option is to schedule the run for later, have the user say when. (In the example below, I've just hard-coded 5 seconds.) This will still freeze the user interface, but at a scheduled, later time.

Sub ScheduleIt()    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "DoStuff"End SubSub DoStuff()    Dim d As Double    Dim i As Long    d = 1.23E+302    For i = 1 To 10000000#        ' This loop takes a long time (several seconds).        d = Sqr(d)    Next i    MsgBox "done!"End Sub