Can I set the number of Threads/CPUs available to the Java VM? Can I set the number of Threads/CPUs available to the Java VM? multithreading multithreading

Can I set the number of Threads/CPUs available to the Java VM?

The problem of CPU limits in JVM was solved in Java 10 and is backported to Java 8 from build 8u191:


If you're on linux simply wrap the java launcher in a numactl / taskset command. That allows the JVM to spawn any number of threads but schedules them on a fixed amount of physical cores.

Similar tools are available for other OSes too.

Try to run your program with "affinity" for windows user.

For Example: instead of running "java Test", you should run:"start /affinity 1 java Test" when you need 1 core;"start /affinity 3 java Test" when you need 2 core;....The parameter used should follow this form:

You can use "System.out.println(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); to check.