Can you avoid locking by guaranteeing that multiple threads won't access the same memory? Can you avoid locking by guaranteeing that multiple threads won't access the same memory? multithreading multithreading

Can you avoid locking by guaranteeing that multiple threads won't access the same memory?

In a conforming C++11 compiler this is safe [intro.memory] (§1.7):

A memory location is either an object of scalar type or a maximal sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having non-zero width. [...] Two threads of execution (1.10) can update and access separate memory locations without interfering with each other.

C11 gives identical guarantees (they even use the same wording) in §3.14.

In a C++03 compiler this is not guaranteed to work by the standard, but it might still work if the compiler provides similar guarantees as an extension.

Yes: if you can guarantee that no two threads will access the same element, then there's no need for any further synchronisation.

There is only a conflict (and therefore a potential data race) if two threads access the same memory location (with at least one of them modifying it) without synchronisation.

(NOTE: this answer is based on the C++11 memory model. I've just noticed that you're also asking about a second language; I believe that C11 specifies a very similar memory model, but can't say for sure that the answer is also valid for C. For older versions of both languages, thread-safety was implementation-dependent.)

Yes, you can indeed.

TCMalloc is a good example.