Celery: how to limit number of tasks in queue and stop feeding when full? Celery: how to limit number of tasks in queue and stop feeding when full? multithreading multithreading

Celery: how to limit number of tasks in queue and stop feeding when full?

You can set rabbitmq x-max-length in queue predeclare using kombu

example :

import timefrom celery import Celeryfrom kombu import Queue, Exchangeclass Config(object):    BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest@localhost//"    CELERY_QUEUES = (        Queue(            'important',            exchange=Exchange('important'),            routing_key="important",            queue_arguments={'x-max-length': 10}        ),    )app = Celery('tasks')app.config_from_object(Config)@app.task(queue='important')def process_data(x):    pass

or using Policies

rabbitmqctl set_policy Ten "^one-meg$" '{"max-length-bytes":1000000}' --apply-to queues