Complex concurrency in JavaFX: using ObservableLists and Properties from multiple worker threads Complex concurrency in JavaFX: using ObservableLists and Properties from multiple worker threads multithreading multithreading

Complex concurrency in JavaFX: using ObservableLists and Properties from multiple worker threads

Background Info

Task javadoc includes numerous concurrency usage patterns for passing data between threads in JavaFX.

Task includes convenience data transfer methods such as updateMessage and can be used instead of your Runnable with the user defined status property.

When appropriate, consider using a collection structure designed for concurrency, such as a BlockingQueue. An additional advantage is that BlockingQueues can have size limits, which seems like something you want.

Some general advice

  1. Be very careful when using mutable observable items in multiple threads. It is easy to inadvertently trigger updates that result in race conditions, updates to the active scene graph off the application thread and other threading issues.
  2. As much as possible, use immutable data rather than mutable observable items.
  3. Leverage some of the higher level utilities from the JavaFX concurrency and java.util.concurrent libraries.
  4. Avoid explicit synchronization and notify statements as much as possible.
  5. Be careful placing synchronization or other potentially blocking statements in code that runs on the JavaFX Application Thread - as you may make your GUI unresponsive.
  6. Use the JavaFX concurrency utilities only when you need interaction with the JavaFX thread.
  7. Do a lot of your very complicated multi-threaded processing off of the JavaFX thread using standard Java concurrency utilities. Have a single co-ordinating JavaFX Task for coalescing and controlling UI feedback.

The above are just rules of thumb and don't need to be followed didactically.

Reasonably Complex Threading Samples

  • A chart renderer that demonstrates some of the principles above to render 300 charts while still keeping the UI responsive to progress updates and user interaction.

The original links with the full example and the example solution by jewelsea are dead, so I'll add an answer with a short summary of what I ended up doing.

To make this easy, let's assume you start with 1 class that holds your data model (let's call it DataModel). An instance of this class is used by multiple threads that change it.

Now the problem is that you want to use the data model in javaFX, but you cannot simply change your data model to use Property and ObservableList etc. If you do that, the listeners will be called from non-javafx threads, and GUI's bound to them will throw exceptions.

Instead you need to make a seperate data model class for javaFX. This is simply the JavaFX version of the original one (let's call it FXDataModel). So this version contains the same info, but it uses javaFX Property and ObservableList. This way, you can bind your GUI to it.

The next step is to periodically update a FXDataModel instance using the DataModel instance.To do this, you add an update(DataModel dataModel) method to FXDataModel, which copies the data from the original data model into the FXDataModel instance. This update function must always be called on the javaFX thread. Finally, all you need to do is periodically call that update function.

In my real scenario, I call the update function every 200 ms, and that is more than enough to be able to show a live view of the data model in the GUI.(Things get more complex if you want to more than a view of the data model, and you want to change things from the GUI, but that is not something I needed to do)