Critical sections with multicore processors Critical sections with multicore processors multithreading multithreading

Critical sections with multicore processors

Multi-core/SMP systems are not just several CPUs glued together. There's explicit support for doing things in parallel. All the synchronization primitives are implemented with the help of hardware along the lines of atomic CAS. The instruction either locks the bus shared by CPUs and memory controller (and devices that do DMA) and updates the memory, or just updates the memory relying on cache snooping. This in turn causes cache coherency algorithm to kick in forcing all involved parties to flush their caches.

Disclaimer - this is very basic description, there are more interesting things here like virtual vs. physical caches, cache write-back policies, memory models, fences, etc. etc.

If you want to know more about how OS might use these hardware facilities - here's an excellent book on the subject.

The vendor of multi-core cpus has to take care that the different cores coordinate themselves when executing instructions which guarantee atomic memory access.

On intel chips for instance you have the 'cmpxchg' instruction. It compares the value stored at a memory location to an expected value and exchanges it for the new value if the two match. If you precede it with the 'lock' instruction, it is guaranteed to be atomic with respect to all cores.

You would need a test-and-set that forces the processor to notify all the other cores of the operation so that they are aware. Yes, that introduces an overhead and you have to live with it. It's a reason to design multithreaded applications in such a way that they don't wait for synchronization primitives too often.