Custom Messages in Non-Windowed Classes - need a default handler? Custom Messages in Non-Windowed Classes - need a default handler? multithreading multithreading

Custom Messages in Non-Windowed Classes - need a default handler?

Well, yes of course. AllocateHWnd accepts a TWndMethod to act as the window procedure of the created window. The confusion, I guess, is caused by that the compiler accepts the messsage directive. Don't put it:

private  FHwnd : HWND;  procedure HandleMyMessage(var Message : TMessage);..procedure TMyClass.HandleMyMessage(var Message: TMessage);begin  case Message.Msg of    TH_MYMESSAGE: //  end;  Message.Result := DefWindowProc(FHWnd, Message.Msg, Message.WParam, Message.LParam);end;

edit: (Response to comment). To have the message handled on the class that created the utility window, you can route your message from the window AllocateHWnd creates to your class:

private  FHwnd : HWND;  procedure HandleMyMessage(var Message : TMessage);  procedure THMyMessage(var Message: TMessage); message TH_MYMESSAGE;..procedure TMyClass.HandleMyMessage(var Message: TMessage);begin  case Message.Msg of    TH_MYMESSAGE: Dispatch(Message);  end;  Message.Result := DefWindowProc(FHWnd, Message.Msg, Message.WParam, Message.LParam);end;procedure TMyClass.THMyMessage(var Message: TMessage);begin  //end;