Debugging Java InterruptedException i.e. finding the cause Debugging Java InterruptedException i.e. finding the cause multithreading multithreading

Debugging Java InterruptedException i.e. finding the cause

Set breakpoint at the method Thread::interrupt and catch the offender. If you think that this interruption should not happen, and you cannot switch off the call which interrupts your thread, then you can override Thread::interrupt in your thread implementation, and force the the thread pool to use your implementation by providing your own ThreadFactory.

It looks like the crash is happening from a third party code package, you should post your issue with the source project as well for additional help. Please post any code related to how you use this package to help troubleshoot too. Make sure you're using the latest version of this package in case they already fixed this issue. The stack trace isn't very helpful because the other project is launching threads and the crash happens from within one of their threads. Likely, you're not using the package as intended or there is a bug in it that they need to fix.