Delaying an action for a period of time Delaying an action for a period of time multithreading multithreading

Delaying an action for a period of time

so that when you move your mouse to a designated corner of your desktop, the screensaver comes on...

When the mouse gets there, set a boolean and a timer. Make any mouse action clear the boolean.
Only when the timer fires and your flag is still there, proceed.

In other words, use a little state machine.

Here is pseudo code

   var CurrentMouse = ...; // Get mouse coordinates.   ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(           (s) => {            Thread.Sleep(500); // Half a second        //  if (Mouse did not move)        //     Launch Screen Saver   });

EDIT:Note this doesn't speak to invoking back to gui layer or thread locking. See the inspiration for this situation on my blog article entitled C# MultiThreading Using ThreadPool, Anonymous Delegates and Locks which does show proper locking.