Force GUI update from UI Thread Force GUI update from UI Thread multithreading multithreading

Force GUI update from UI Thread

At first I wondered why the OP hadn't already marked one of the responses as the answer, but after trying it myself and still have it not work, I dug a little deeper and found there's much more to this issue then I'd first supposed.

A better understanding can be gained by reading from a similar question: Why won't control update/refresh mid-process

Lastly, for the record, I was able to get my label to update by doing the following:

private void SetStatus(string status) {    lblStatus.Text = status;    lblStatus.Invalidate();    lblStatus.Update();    lblStatus.Refresh();    Application.DoEvents();}

Though from what I understand this is far from an elegant and correct approach to doing it. It's a hack that may or may not work depending upon how busy the thread is.

Call Application.DoEvents() after setting the label, but you should do all the work in a separate thread instead, so the user may close the window.

Call label.Invalidate and then label.Update() - usually the update only happens after you exit the current function but calling Update forces it to update at that specific place in code.From MSDN:

The Invalidate method governs what gets painted or repainted. The Update method governs when the painting or repainting occurs. If you use the Invalidate and Update methods together rather than calling Refresh, what gets repainted depends on which overload of Invalidate you use. The Update method just forces the control to be painted immediately, but the Invalidate method governs what gets painted when you call the Update method.