Greater-than compare-and-swap Greater-than compare-and-swap multithreading multithreading

Greater-than compare-and-swap

Since Java 8 this can be simplified with use of updateAndGet:

public boolean greaterThanCAS(int newValue) {    return oldValue.updateAndGet(x -> x < newValue ? newValue : x) == newValue;}

Note that this would return true also in case when old and new values are equal.Give a try to @Adam's answer if this is not desired behaviour.

I see no problems with your implementation, provided that no thread ever decreases the value of the AtomicInteger. If they do, your code is open to race conditions.

Note that the code can be simplified as follows:

public boolean GreaterThanCAS(int newValue) {    while(true) {        int local = oldValue.get();        if(newValue <= local) {             return false; // swap failed        }        if(oldValue.compareAndSet(local, newValue)) {             return true;  // swap successful        }        // keep trying    }}

I would re write it to look more like:

while(true) {    int local = oldValue.get();    if(newValue > local){       if(oldValue.compareAndSwap(local, newValue) {              return true;  // swap successful        } // else keep looping     }else         return false; }

The equivalence check before the greater than check is redundant.

Otherwise it should work fine.