How can I parallelize sorting? How can I parallelize sorting? multithreading multithreading

How can I parallelize sorting?

Here is a solution using the (kind of experimental) Base.Threads threading module.

A solution using a pmap (etc) for a distributed parallelism would be similar. Though I think the inter-process communications overhead would hurt you.

The idea is to sort it in blocks (one per a thread), so each thread can be fully independent, just taking care of its blocks.

Then comes to merge these pre-sorted blocks.

This is a fairly well known problem of merging sorted lists. See also other questions on that.

And don't forget to set yourself up the multi-threading, by setting the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS before you start.

Here is my code:

using Base.Threadsfunction blockranges(nblocks, total_len)    rem = total_len % nblocks    main_len = div(total_len, nblocks)    starts=Int[1]    ends=Int[]    for ii in 1:nblocks        len = main_len        if rem>0            len+=1            rem-=1        end        push!(ends, starts[end]+len-1)        push!(starts, ends[end] + 1)    end    @assert ends[end] == total_len    starts[1:end-1], endsendfunction threadedsort!(data::Vector)    starts, ends = blockranges(nthreads(), length(data))    # Sort each block    @threads for (ss, ee) in collect(zip(starts, ends))        @inbounds sort!(@view data[ss:ee])    end    # Go through each sorted block taking out the smallest item and putting it in the new array    # This code could maybe be optimised. see    ret = similar(data) # main bit of allocation right here. avoiding it seems expensive.    # Need to not overwrite data we haven't read yet    @inbounds for ii in eachindex(ret)        minblock_id = 1        ret[ii]=data[starts[1]]        @inbounds for blockid in 2:endof(starts) # findmin allocates a lot for some reason, so do the find by hand. (maybe use findmin! ?)            ele = data[starts[blockid]]            if ret[ii] > ele                ret[ii] = ele                minblock_id = blockid            end        end        starts[minblock_id]+=1 # move the start point forward        if starts[minblock_id] > ends[minblock_id]            deleteat!(starts, minblock_id)            deleteat!(ends, minblock_id)        end    end    data.=ret  # copy back into orignal as we said we would do it inplace    return dataend

I have done some benchmarking:

using Plotsfunction evaluate_timing(range)    sizes = Int[]    threadsort_times = Float64[]    sort_times = Float64[]        for sz in 2.^collect(range)            data_orig = rand(Int, sz)            push!(sizes, sz)            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(sort_times,       @elapsed sort!(data))            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(threadsort_times, @elapsed threadedsort!(data))            @show (sz, sort_times[end], threadsort_times[end])    end    return sizes, threadsort_times, sort_timesendsizes, threadsort_times, sort_times = evaluate_timing(0:28)plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"])plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"], xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)

My results: using 8 threads.

plot normal scaleplot loglog scale

I found the crossover point to be surprisingly low, a bit over 1024.Notes that the initial long time taken can be ignored -- that is the code being JIT compiled for the first run.

Weirdly, these results do not reproduce when using BenchmarkTools.Benchmark tools would have stopped that initial timing being counted.But they do very consistently reproduce when using normal timing code as I have in the benchmark code above.I guess it is doing something that kills the multithreading some how

Big thanks to @xiaodai who pointed out a mistake in my analysis code

I have further tested if there are only 1% of the items are unique and enter image description herealso sampling from 1:1_000_000. Results are below

enter image description here function evaluate_timing_w_repeats(range) sizes = Int[] threadsort_times = Float64[] sort_times = Float64[] for sz in 2.^collect(range) data_orig = rand(rand(Int, szĂ·100), sz) push!(sizes, sz)

            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(sort_times,       @elapsed sort!(data))            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(threadsort_times, @elapsed threadedsort!(data))            @show (sz, sort_times[end], threadsort_times[end])    end    return sizes, threadsort_times, sort_timesendsizes, threadsort_times, sort_times = evaluate_timing_w_repeats(7:28)plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"])plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"], xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)savefig("sort_with_repeats.png")function evaluate_timing1m(range)    sizes = Int[]    threadsort_times = Float64[]    sort_times = Float64[]        for sz in 2.^collect(range)            data_orig = rand(1:1_000_000, sz)            push!(sizes, sz)            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(sort_times,       @elapsed sort!(data))            data = copy(data_orig)            push!(threadsort_times, @elapsed threadedsort!(data))            @show (sz, sort_times[end], threadsort_times[end])    end    return sizes, threadsort_times, sort_timesendsizes, threadsort_times, sort_times = evaluate_timing1m(7:28)plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"])plot(sizes, [threadsort_times sort_times]; title="Sorting Time sampel from 1:1_000_000", ylabel="time(s)", xlabel="number of elements", label=["threadsort!" "sort!"], xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)savefig("sort1m.png")