How do I share access to an AtomicBool between threads? How do I share access to an AtomicBool between threads? multithreading multithreading

How do I share access to an AtomicBool between threads?

There are two ways to access variables between threads:

  • borrowing, which requires guaranteeing that the variable's lifetime exceeds the threads' lifetime
  • shared ownership (via Arc):

Borrowing is not supported by the Standard Library at the moment, although 3rd-party crates such as crossbeam offer it. For shared ownership, Arc is indeed a possibility...

... however you need to consider what you put in Arc carefully:

let stop_bool = Arc::new(&self.should_stop).clone();

Here, you are creating a Arc<&'a AtomicBool> from a &'a self, and thus you are sharing ownership over a borrowed reference. I'll point you back to the above explanation: cross-thread borrowing is not supported in the Standard Library yet.

You need a Arc<AtomicBool> for proper shared ownership, and this is done by changing Test:

struct Test {    should_stop: Arc<AtomicBool>,    running_thread_handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>>}

Then, cloning it is easy:

let stop_bool = self.should_stop.clone();

I'm posting my own answer here to hopefully provide a clear generic example, since the accepted answer is quite specific to the original question and left me slightly unsure how to do it:

use std::{thread, time};use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};use std::sync::Arc;fn main() {  let stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));   let stop_me = stop.clone();  thread::spawn(move || {      let mut i = 0;      loop {          i = i + 1;          if stop_me.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {              println!("iterations = {}", i);              break;          }          if i % 1000000 == 0 {              println!("Another million iterations down...");          }      }  });  let delay = time::Duration::from_millis(100);  thread::sleep(delay);, Ordering::Relaxed);  println!("All done");}

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