How do I start to use multithread programming? How do I start to use multithread programming? multithreading multithreading

How do I start to use multithread programming?

Learning multi threading programming has two parts:

  1. How to write multi threading applications
  2. How to use the available API (pthread)

Learning multi-threaded programming is harder, thre's a good article published in the Linux Journal that will help you understand the basic principles.

To better understand pThreads I suggest reading this tutorial - POSIX Threads Programming

There is also a good book by O'rielly called PThreads Programming

Study regarding pthread, mutexes and try to implement same that will be beneficial for you.

If you're getting started with multithreading, my advice would be to first review and better understand I/O on your system. Understand blocking vs. non-blocking I/O, signaling, asynchronous routines, callbacks et cetera. I/O is probably one, if not the primary, reason for adding multithreading to your programs. With that knowledge you can then pick up a book on pthreads or java threads, or wrap your mind around the Boost threads library or another threading library for your favorite technology.