How do you post a boost packaged_task to an io_service in C++03? How do you post a boost packaged_task to an io_service in C++03? multithreading multithreading

How do you post a boost packaged_task to an io_service in C++03?

boost::packaged_task supports boost::move since Boost version 1.50, see corresponding ticket.

But the problem is that io_service::post completion handler parameter must be CopyConstructible as noted in Asio handler requirements. Therefore boost::packaged_task cannot be posted directly or by moving. (Thanks to Igor R. for this issue).

There is workaround using pointers, e.g. you could wrap boost::packaged_task with boost::shared_ptr and bind it to operator():

 typedef boost::packaged_task<bool> task_t; boost::shared_ptr<task_t> task = boost::make_shared<task_t>(    boost::bind(&process_data, i, theTime));, task));