How does one start a thread in Clojure? How does one start a thread in Clojure? multithreading multithreading

How does one start a thread in Clojure?

Clojure fns are Runnable so it's common to use them in exactly the way you posted, yes.

user=> (dotimes [i 10] (.start (Thread. (fn [] (println i)))))0                                                             1                                                             2                                                             4                                                             5                                                             3                                                             6                                                             7                                                             8                                                             9                                                             nil

Another option is to use agents, in which case you would send or send-off and it'll use a Thread from a pool.

user=> (def a (agent 0))#'user/auser=> (dotimes [_ 10] (send a inc))nil;; ...later...user=> @a10

Yet another option would be pcalls and pmap. There's also future. They are all documented in the Clojure API.

Usually when I want to start a thread in Clojure I just use future.

As well as being simple to use, this has the advantage that you avoid having to do any messy Java interop to access the underlying Java threading mechanisms.

Example usage:

(future (some-long-running-function))

This will execute the function asynchronously in another thread.

(def a (future (* 10 10)))

If you want to get the result, just dereference the future, e.g:

@a=> 100

Note that @a will block until the future thread has completed its work.

Programming Clojure doesn't address that question until page 167: "Use Agents for Asynchronous Updates".

Before you go starting threads, please note that Clojure will multitask on its own, given half a chance. I've written programs blithely ignorant of concurrency and found that when conditions are right, they occupy more than one CPU. I know that's not a very rigorous definition: I haven't explored this in depth yet.

But for those occasions when you really do need an explicit separate activity, one of Clojure's answers is apparently the agent.

(agent initial-state)

will create one. It's not like a Java Thread in terms of being a code block waiting to be executed. Instead, it's an activity waiting to be given work to do. You do this via

(send agent update-fn & args)

The example does

(def counter (agent 0))

counter is your name and handle for the agent; the agent's state is the number 0.

Having set that up, you can send work to the agent:

(send counter inc)

will tell it to apply the given function to its state.

You can later pull the state out of the agent by dereferencing it:

@counter will give you the current value of the number that started out at 0.

Function await will let you do something like a join on the agent's activity, should it be a long one:

(await & agents) will wait until they're all done; there's also another version that takes a timeout.