How to capture multiple camera streams with OpenCV? How to capture multiple camera streams with OpenCV? multithreading multithreading

How to capture multiple camera streams with OpenCV?

enter image description here

To capture multiple streams with OpenCV, I recommend using threading which can improve performance by alleviating the heavy I/O operations to a separate thread. Since accessing the webcam/IP/RTSP stream using cv2.VideoCapture().read() is a blocking operation, our main program is stuck until the frame is read from the camera device. If you have multiple streams, this latency will definitely be visible. To remedy this problem, we can use threading to spawn another thread to handle retrieving the frames using a deque in parallel instead of relying on a single thread to obtain the frames in sequential order. Threading allows frames to be continuously read without impacting the performance of our main program. The idea to capture a single stream using threading and OpenCV, is from a previous answer in Python OpenCV multithreading streaming from camera.

But if you want to capture multiple streams, OpenCV alone is not enough. You can use OpenCV in combination with a GUI framework to stitch each image onto a nice display. I will use PyQt4 as the framework, qdarkstyle for GUI CSS, and imutils for OpenCV convenience functions.

Here is a very stripped down version of the camera GUI I currently use without the placeholder images, credential admin login page, and camera switching ability. I've kept the automatic camera reconnect feature incase the internet dies or the camera connection is lost. I only have 8 cameras as shown in the image above, but it is very simple to add in another camera and should not impact performance. This camera GUI currently performs at about ~60 FPS so it is real-time. You can easily rearrange the layout using PyQt layouts so feel free to modify the code! Remember to change the stream links!

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGuiimport qdarkstylefrom threading import Threadfrom collections import dequefrom datetime import datetimeimport timeimport sysimport cv2import imutilsclass CameraWidget(QtGui.QWidget):    """Independent camera feed    Uses threading to grab IP camera frames in the background    @param width - Width of the video frame    @param height - Height of the video frame    @param stream_link - IP/RTSP/Webcam link    @param aspect_ratio - Whether to maintain frame aspect ratio or force into fraame    """    def __init__(self, width, height, stream_link=0, aspect_ratio=False, parent=None, deque_size=1):        super(CameraWidget, self).__init__(parent)        # Initialize deque used to store frames read from the stream        self.deque = deque(maxlen=deque_size)        # Slight offset is needed since PyQt layouts have a built in padding        # So add offset to counter the padding         self.offset = 16        self.screen_width = width - self.offset        self.screen_height = height - self.offset        self.maintain_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio        self.camera_stream_link = stream_link        # Flag to check if camera is valid/working = False        self.capture = None        self.video_frame = QtGui.QLabel()        self.load_network_stream()        # Start background frame grabbing        self.get_frame_thread = Thread(target=self.get_frame, args=())        self.get_frame_thread.daemon = True        self.get_frame_thread.start()        # Periodically set video frame to display        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()        self.timer.timeout.connect(self.set_frame)        self.timer.start(.5)        print('Started camera: {}'.format(self.camera_stream_link))    def load_network_stream(self):        """Verifies stream link and open new stream if valid"""        def load_network_stream_thread():            if self.verify_network_stream(self.camera_stream_link):                self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.camera_stream_link)       = True        self.load_stream_thread = Thread(target=load_network_stream_thread, args=())        self.load_stream_thread.daemon = True        self.load_stream_thread.start()    def verify_network_stream(self, link):        """Attempts to receive a frame from given link"""        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(link)        if not cap.isOpened():            return False        cap.release()        return True    def get_frame(self):        """Reads frame, resizes, and converts image to pixmap"""        while True:            try:                if self.capture.isOpened() and                    # Read next frame from stream and insert into deque                    status, frame =                    if status:                        self.deque.append(frame)                    else:                        self.capture.release()               = False                else:                    # Attempt to reconnect                    print('attempting to reconnect', self.camera_stream_link)                    self.load_network_stream()                    self.spin(2)                self.spin(.001)            except AttributeError:                pass    def spin(self, seconds):        """Pause for set amount of seconds, replaces time.sleep so program doesnt stall"""        time_end = time.time() + seconds        while time.time() < time_end:            QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()    def set_frame(self):        """Sets pixmap image to video frame"""        if not            self.spin(1)            return        if self.deque and            # Grab latest frame            frame = self.deque[-1]            # Keep frame aspect ratio            if self.maintain_aspect_ratio:                self.frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=self.screen_width)            # Force resize            else:                self.frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.screen_width, self.screen_height))            # Add timestamp to cameras            cv2.rectangle(self.frame, (self.screen_width-190,0), (self.screen_width,50), color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1)            cv2.putText(self.frame,'%H:%M:%S'), (self.screen_width-185,37), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, (255,255,255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)            # Convert to pixmap and set to video frame            self.img = QtGui.QImage(self.frame, self.frame.shape[1], self.frame.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888).rgbSwapped()            self.pix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(self.img)            self.video_frame.setPixmap(self.pix)    def get_video_frame(self):        return self.video_framedef exit_application():    """Exit program event handler"""    sys.exit(1)if __name__ == '__main__':    # Create main application window    app = QtGui.QApplication([])    app.setStyleSheet(qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet_pyqt())    app.setStyle(QtGui.QStyleFactory.create("Cleanlooks"))    mw = QtGui.QMainWindow()    mw.setWindowTitle('Camera GUI')    mw.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint)    cw = QtGui.QWidget()    ml = QtGui.QGridLayout()    cw.setLayout(ml)    mw.setCentralWidget(cw)    mw.showMaximized()    # Dynamically determine screen width/height    screen_width = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry().width()    screen_height = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry().height()    # Create Camera Widgets     username = 'Your camera username!'    password = 'Your camera password!'    # Stream links    camera0 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera1 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera2 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera3 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera4 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera5 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera6 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    camera7 = 'rtsp://{}:{}@'.format(username, password)    # Create camera widgets    print('Creating Camera Widgets...')    zero = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera0)    one = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera1)    two = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera2)    three = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera3)    four = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera4)    five = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera5)    six = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera6)    seven = CameraWidget(screen_width//3, screen_height//3, camera7)    # Add widgets to layout    print('Adding widgets to layout...')    ml.addWidget(zero.get_video_frame(),0,0,1,1)    ml.addWidget(one.get_video_frame(),0,1,1,1)    ml.addWidget(two.get_video_frame(),0,2,1,1)    ml.addWidget(three.get_video_frame(),1,0,1,1)    ml.addWidget(four.get_video_frame(),1,1,1,1)    ml.addWidget(five.get_video_frame(),1,2,1,1)    ml.addWidget(six.get_video_frame(),2,0,1,1)    ml.addWidget(seven.get_video_frame(),2,1,1,1)    print('Verifying camera credentials...')    QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence('Ctrl+Q'), mw, exit_application)    if(sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):        QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()