How to handle currentDomain.UnhandledException in MSTest How to handle currentDomain.UnhandledException in MSTest multithreading multithreading

How to handle currentDomain.UnhandledException in MSTest

Here is my approach to the problem:

        private List<(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)> _UnhandledExceptions;        [TestInitialize()]        public void Initialize()        {            _UnhandledExceptions = new List<(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)>();            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => {                _UnhandledExceptions.Add((sender, e));            };        }        [TestCleanup()]        public void Cleanup()        {            if (_UnhandledExceptions.Count != 0) Assert.Fail($"There were {_UnhandledExceptions.Count} unhandled Exceptions! <{string.Join(">," + Environment.NewLine + "<", _UnhandledExceptions.ToArray().Select(ev => ev.e.ExceptionObject))}>.");        }

I choose over Assert.AreEqual(0 because it distracts from the actual problem. (Too bad there is no CollectionAssert.IsEmpty() method, that actually prints the collection on error.